Landon Capital

Siebert Financial Corp. (Nasdaq:SIEB) engages in the retail discount brokerage and investment advisory businesses. They offer employee share plans, managed portfolios, financial advice, insurance, the gauntlet of individual investments, as well as other services including a robo-advisor platform. Therefore, they provide the options of a large wealth manager with the personal touch of an intimate operation. 

Comps: Lion Group Holding Ltd. (Nasdaq:LGHL), Dune Acquisition Corporation (Nasdaq:DUNE)

When we compare Sibert Financial to these other two firms, they possess better profit margins, return on equity, and revenue. Moreover, Siebert Financial Corp. holds exhibited higher earnings per share and a lower share price as it relates to earnings per share than Lion Group Holding. Ultimately, the stock dropped about 38% last year but still has competitive metrics.