Landon Capital

Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd. (Nasdaq:PME) through its subsidiaries operates an ocean fishing business, catching a wide variety of species. They serve customers, including distributors, restaurant owners, and exporters in the People’s Republic of China. Currently, they operate about 142 vessels and do about USD 171 in revenue.

Comps: Farmmi, Inc. (Nasdaq:FAMI), Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX)

If we compare these companies, it is important to note that Pingtan Marine Enterprise and Farmmi are around USD 25 million in market capitalization, while Odyssey Marine Exploration is near USD 60 million. Relative to both of these enterprises, Pingtan Marine Enterprise has more encouraging profit margins, returns on equity, revenue, and net income. Moreover, they displayed a higher earnings per share than Odyssey Marine Exploration.