Landon Capital

U.S. jobless claims stubbornly clung to a 20-month high. This prolonged elevation for the third consecutive week hints at a labor market that’s starting to soften, thanks to the Federal Reserve’s vigorous credit tightening.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of new claims remained frozen at 264,000, as if trapped in a cryogenic chamber, matching the previous week’s record. This chilly statistic marks the highest level of initial claims since October 2021.

Economists had anticipated around 260,000 new claims, but the reality had other plans, choosing to dance to its own unpredictable beat.

Meanwhile, the lingering souls still receiving benefits beyond the first week saw a slight decline, going from 1.772 million to 1.759 million. The job market had a small sigh of relief, but it’s too early to throw a victory parade. Economists had expected 1.782 million continued claims, but the actual number decided to veer off the beaten path, leaving the forecasters red-faced like an artist’s palette gone awry.

But wait, there’s more! In a separate act of economic theatrics, the U.S. current account deficit decided to widen its jaws after three quarters of narrowing. Like a voracious eater, it gobbled up $219.3 billion in the first quarter, compared to the previous $216.2 billion. It seems the deficit couldn’t resist indulging in a little expansion, much to the chagrin of economists who had predicted a more modest widening to $217.5 billion.

In the world of economics, where numbers dance and predictions falter, these twists and turns keep us on our toes, reminding us that even the most calculated forecasts can be upended by the whims of reality.

In a surprising twist, the mighty Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) found itself downgraded by Morgan Stanley analysts from the coveted “Overweight” status to a mere “Equal Weight,” causing its shares to stumble almost 4% in premarket trading on Thursday. It seems even the electric car giant couldn’t escape the merciless clutches of a downgrade.

But fear not, for the analysts did raise Tesla’s price target to $250 per share from its previous mark of $200. However, this new target suggests a modest downside to the previous day’s closing price. It’s like they handed Tesla a slightly deflated balloon at the party, letting a bit of the air out of its exhilarating ride. No wonder Tesla shares closed 5.5% lower the day before – it must have felt like a roller coaster reaching the end of a thrilling descent.

These analysts, once among the loudest cheerleaders for Tesla, have now taken a step back from the frontlines. After witnessing a massive rally in Tesla shares that propelled its valuation to what they deem as “fair” levels, they have chosen to sit on the sidelines for now. It’s like watching a fan who has passionately cheered for their favorite team for years suddenly decide to take a breather, perhaps recognizing that even the most impressive streaks eventually find their limits.

The road ahead for Tesla might have a few speed bumps, but only time will tell if this downgrade proves to be a temporary detour or a significant shift in its journey. Buckle up, Tesla enthusiasts, as the ride promises to be anything but predictable.

Some of the biggest movers:

Looking at the ETF market, we stumbled upon an interesting showstopper: the SPDR S&P MIDCAP 400 ETF Trust, aka MDY. It seems like a whopping $70.1 million decided to take a vacation from MDY, marking a 0.4% decrease in just a week. So much for the phrase ‘money doesn’t take vacations’! Meanwhile, in the wild world of trading, Deckers Outdoor Corp. is strutting its stuff with a 1.5% gain, while Penumbra Inc. seems to have lost its shadow with a 1.5% dip. As for Lattice Semiconductor Corp., it’s tangoing with a minor 0.2% decrease.

Stock Analysis

First Community Corporation (Nasdaq: FCCO) proudly wears its banking crown as a trusted holding company, catering to the financial needs of small-to-medium-sized businesses, professionals, and everyday individuals. With 23 locations peppered mostly across the charming landscapes of South Carolina (plus a sprinkle in Georgia), this financial powerhouse boasts a robust portfolio of commercial and retail banking products and services. And boy, do they have the numbers to back it up!

Sitting pretty with a hefty USD 1.7 billion in total assets as of December, First Community Corporation outshines its banking compadres. Let’s take a closer look at the contenders in this financial face-off: Richmond Mutual Bancorporation, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMBI) and Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc. (Nasdaq: EBMT).

When it comes to key metrics, First Community Corporation leaves its rivals in the dust. Its earnings per share, price to earnings ratio, return on equity, and net income all outshine the competition. Richmond Mutual Bancorporation and Eagle Bancorp Montana must be feeling a touch of envy as they fall short in comparison.

But that’s not all! First Community Corporation flaunts a profit margin that even leaves Eagle Bancorp Montana in the shade. Talk about banking with style!

With such strong fundamentals, it’s no wonder that First Community Corporation continues to attract investors with its modest yield of 2.8%. They prove that financial success can go hand in hand with Southern charm.

Welcome to Investing 101: Where Numbers and Gambles Tango! Get ready to dive into the wild world of finance, where money magically multiplies or mysteriously vanishes. It’s a thrilling roller coaster ride where Wall Street plays the ultimate game of poker with your hard-earned cash. So, fasten your seatbelts, sharpen your instincts, and remember: in the world of investing, there are winners, losers, and those who just hope their portfolio doesn’t burst into flames. Let the financial adventures begin!

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