Landon Capital

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 3:19 PM | InvestorsObserver Analysts

Overall market sentiment has been high on Predictive Oncology Inc (POAI) stock lately. POAI receives a Bullish rating from InvestorsObserver Stock Sentiment Indicator.

Sentiment Score - ,bullish
Predictive Oncology Inc has a Bullish sentiment reading. Find out what this means for you and get the rest of the rankings on POAI!

What is Stock Sentiment?

Sentiment uses short term technical analysis to gauge whether a stock is desired by investors. As a technical indicator, it focuses on recent trends as opposed to the long term health of the underlying company. Updates for the company such as a earnings release can move the stock away from current trends. Price action is generally the best indicator of sentiment. For a stock to go up, investors must feel good about it. Similarly, a stock that is in a downtrend must be out of favor. InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Indicator considers price action and recent trends in volume. Increasing volumes often mean that a trend is strengthening, while decreasing volumes can signal that a reversal could come soon. The options market is another place to get signals about sentiment. Since options allow investors to place bets on the price of a stock, we consider the ratio of calls and puts for stocks where options are available.

What’s Happening With POAI Stock Today?

Predictive Oncology Inc (POAI) stock is trading at $0.44 as of 3:10 PM on Tuesday, Jan 17, a decline of -$0.04, or -8.79% from the previous closing price of $0.48. The stock has traded between $0.44 and $0.51 so far today. Volume today is less active than usual. So far 193,890 shares have traded compared to average volume of 351,976 shares. To screen for more stocks like Predictive Oncology Inc click here.

More About Predictive Oncology Inc

Predictive Oncology Inc functions in the healthcare domain. The firm’s reportable segments are Helomics, zPREDICTA, Soluble and Skyline. It derives prime revenue from the Skyline segment which consists of the STREAMWAY System product sales, and TumorGenesis subsidiary (Research and Development) is included within corporate. The STREAMWAY System virtually eliminates staff exposure to blood, irrigation fluid, and other potentially infectious fluids found in the healthcare environment. Its Helomics division is focused on improving the effectiveness of cancer therapy using proprietary, multi-omic tumor profiling platform, a one-of-a-kind database of historical tumor data, and the power of AI to build predictive models of tumor drug response. Click Here to get the full Stock Report for Predictive Oncology Inc stock. 

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