First US Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq:FUSB) is the holding company for First US Bank that provides commercial banking products and services to small-and medium-sized businesses, property managers, business executives, professionals, and other individuals. They operate 15 branches in Alabama and Tennessee with almost USD 1 billion in total assets.
Comps: Brunswick Bancorp (OTCMKTS:BRBW), Commencement Bancorp Inc. (OTCMKTS:CBWA)
It is important to keep in mind that these banking operations are small and a circle around USD 50 million in market capitalization. In terms of fundamentals, First US Bancshares has the advantage when it comes to price to earnings, outright revenue, and net income over both Brunswick Bancorp and Commencement Bancorp. Moreover, they possess a greater earnings per share than Commencement Bancorp.