Mumbai-based visual effects maestro, Digikore Studios, has made a grand entrance onto the IPO stage, setting its sights on raising a substantial Rs 30.5 crore ($4.1 million). This blockbuster IPO production comprises a fresh issuance valued at up to Rs 21.6 crore, along with a star-studded offer for sale (OFS) worth Rs 8.9 crore contributed by both promoters and existing shareholders. The subscription window for this cinematic event opened on Monday, with the final act scheduled for Wednesday.
Mark your calendars because the climax arrives on Thursday, September 29, when shares from the Digikore Studios IPO will be allocated. Successful bidders can anticipate the debutantes gracing their demat accounts by Tuesday, October 3. The Digikore Studios stock is primed to make its red carpet entry into the secondary market through the NSE’s EMERGE platform tailored for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on Wednesday, October 4.
To be part of this visual effects extravaganza, investors had the opportunity to bid for Digikore Studios IPO shares in multiples of 800 shares, with each lot priced between Rs 1,34,400 and Rs 1,36,800. The company has set the stage by pricing its shares between Rs 168-171 ($1 = Rs 83.1) per share.
The proceeds of this fresh issuance will play a pivotal role in financing Digikore Studios’ working capital requirements, supporting general corporate purposes, and covering all the glitz and glamour of the offering. Serving as the director of this production, Sarthi Capital Advisors takes the lead as the book-running manager, while Bigshare Services orchestrates the administrative roles as the official registrar.
Founded in the cinematic year of 2000, Digikore Studios Limited has been delighting audiences with a mesmerizing array of visual effects services. From crafting visual effects (VFX) for films, web series, TV series, documentaries, to commercials, Digikore Studios is the magician that breathes life into imagination on the grand stage.